Workshop 1: Research Questions

Welcome to the introductory workshop of our course on evaluating and improving intelligent products, services, and systems (IPSS). This session is designed to lay the groundwork for a comprehensive understanding of technological prototype evaluation through empirical analysis. The learning goals for this week are:

Formulate Effective Research Questions: Be able to critically reflect on the formulation and quality assessment of research questions. Participants will learn the importance of crafting questions that are specific, answerable, original, objective, and require a detailed analysis. This goal is pivotal for understanding how to effectively initiate research that is grounded in data and objective evidence, ensuring that inquiries are neither too broad nor too narrow but are focused and relevant.

Assess the Quality of Research Questions: Understand the principles of balance, complexity, and requirement for analysis in research questions. You will gain insights into creating questions that strike a balance between being too generic and too specific, ensuring a single theme focus. The complexity aspect will teach you to formulate questions that avoid straightforward yes/no answers and encourage comprehensive exploration. Finally, understanding the requirement for analysis will help you ensure that your questions necessitate a thoughtful examination beyond mere description of facts.

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